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Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment 2024

Do you suffer from tooth pain ? It could be that you have a more serious problem than just tooth decay. The tooth may need dental root canal. This is where a dentist’s expertise and knowledge are crucial. The root canal procedure must be performed by a highly skilled dentist using high-quality materials as well as the most up-to-date technology throughout and after treatment. In the absence of this, you could experience discomfort when it comes to your teeth in the future. This is the reason why our dental clinic only uses highly skilled dentists to perform this procedure.

Treatment for root canals that is performed for the purpose of saving a tooth which is extremely decayed and inflamed by microorganisms. The early start of endodontic treatment is crucial for the recovery of your tooth. If you do not take care of your tooth’s condition, it could develop to the surrounding tissues, and the tooth could be lost.


What is Root Canal Treatment ?

Treatment for root canals the procedure involves the process of taking out and removing the affected pulp tissue due to the infection of living tissue made up of nerves and blood vessels that are known as the pulp inside of the tooth because of trauma or caries within the teeth. It also involves by filling in the tooth canal using materials that are compatible with tissue. This way the life span of the tooth is increased. Furthermore, the person is able to eliminate other problems caused by tooth loss.

Through this process of root canal the living portion of the tooth emerges. But, the tooth remains still there, with all its structures. It is just deficient in vitality or sensitivity. The tooth that has been treated with a root canal has the same function just like other teeth. Functionally and aesthetically it is the identical tooth.

It is crucial for teeth to maintain their position within the mouth. Because teeth support teeth behind and in front. In the absence of teeth the teeth shift towards closing the gap. So, the tooth that is left in place through the treatment of the root canal helps protect the entire tooth’s system inside the mouth.

If root canal treatment Turkey is performed properly, it is not a procedure that shortens the life of the tooth. However, the life of the tooth is extended. If proper attention is paid to oral hygiene, the tooth that has undergone root canal treatment will be no different from other teeth.


How is root canal treatment and filling the canals completed?

The treatment of root canals is an endodontic treatment carried out by an endodontist. There are many times when we have to ask the question of what exactly is an endodontist. In the present, it is the name used to describe the doctors of endodontics, who are particularly well-known for the treatment of root canals. What are the different stages of root canal therapy?

X-ray The first procedure for treating root canals is to use an X-ray in order to determine what the state of the canals at the tooth’s root and determine whether it has spread into surrounding bone.

Anesthetizing The procedure of numbing the region is used in order to warrant that you don’t be afflicted by pain.

Cleaning the insides of teeth The cuts within the bone and fractures, if there are any are taken care of. A hole is created near the base of the tooth in order to get the site of infection.

The canals of the root are widened To carry out the treatment, canal widening process, also known as canal file, can be done using a small instrument, like an abrasive, and the canals are widened at the point of the root.

The tissues that are useless are eliminated The pulp, also known as dental pulp, the damaged tooth nerve, as well as the infection residues within this region are eliminated. In regular intervals the inside teeth are cleaned with sodium hypochlorite or water (not the capping). This is the most crucial component of the stages of treatment for root canals.

In the event that treatment is going to be extended temporarily filled can be performed If the root canal procedure cannot be completed this day or if it is determined that the treatment isn’t completed the same day to warrant that it’s not stuffed with saliva and food residues, the cavity within the canal is sealed by filling it with a temporary substance so that the saliva and food residues do not fill the cavity.

Permanent filling of the root canal occurs after the canals are filled the tooth cavity will be filled with fillings and the treatment is complete.


Steps of Root Canal Treatment

Step 1: The first step is to use an X-ray to see the shape of the canals in your root and identify the site of infection.


  • Local anesthesia is used to numb the affected area and eliminate any discomfort.


  • The pulp chamber is opened as well as the root canals of the tooth in question.


Step 2: The pulp chamber, as well as the root canals, are cleaned and the damaged tissues are removed from the tooth.


Step 3: Once the pulp chamber is completely cleaned and dry, it is filled with a filling for the root canal.


Step 4: The tooth is then sealed with a permanent filling.


What are the signs that Root Canal Treatment is Needed?

The most obvious symptom of the need for root canal therapy is tooth discomfort adequate to . If the infection or decay grows and spreads to the nerve, it can cause discomfort. This pain could decrease or improve over the duration of the. However when the pulp begins to die because of the infection’s progress The pain could disappear. It does not mean the infection is gone.

Furthermore, discolouration, swelling of the tooth, and sensitivity to cold or hot liquids are some other signs that could suggest the need for treatment of the root canal.


How Many Sessions Does Root Canal Treatment Take in Turkey?

The procedures may take 1 or several sessions depending on the condition of the tooth. Especially in cases where the tooth is not alive, there is an infection at the root tip, there is swelling inside and outside the mouth, we place a substance in the canal and wait for the bacteria in this area to disappear.

The process could be a long-term process that requires several sessions. In between sessions we fill the teeth with a temporary filling substance. So the affected area is able to continue working.

As we mentioned that how many times root canal therapy will depend on the state of your tooth. So, if your tooth is healthy and decay has only got to the pulp of the tooth, we will carry out this tooth’s root canal therapy in one visit in Turkey.

In cases where the tooth has been inflamed and the inflammation reaches to the root and triggers discomfort in the bone or if the face becomes swelling due to the drainage process and swelling, we can finish treatment of the root canal procedure in two or three sessions in Turkey.


How Long Does Root Canal Treatment Take?

The length of the root canal treatment Turkey The duration of treatment for root canals varies like on the quantity of canals within teeth, placement of the tooth inside the mouth, and the severity that the infection. If there’s no growth of a cyst or infection within the pulp, treatment is typically completed in one session. In most cases the procedure is carried out within two appointments, especially if the tooth is infected. Each session typically lasts between 30 to 45 minutes.

In the initial session the tooth canal gets cleaned. It is essential that the process of cleaning is carried out and the tooth is shaped effectively. Local medicine is injected into the area that has been cleaned of tooth, and the harmful microorganisms that reside in the area are killed. In the next session in the event that there is no sensitiveness in the patient’s teeth and there is no inflammation of the canal, if there’s no issue with the tissues that surrounds the tooth. And the x-rays are clear The treatment procedure is finished by creating an appointment for a dental filling.


How much does root canal treatment in Turkey?

It’s hard to determine an exact number for dental root canal costs. Like most procedures root canal treatment Turkey, the cost of treatment is a private matter. To know about the cost of root canal treatment, the dentist must be assessed first. It is possible to determine the exact cost by assessing the number of teeth to be treated using x-rays, the number of root canals of the tooth that require treatments for root canals, the severity in which the infection is, as well as whether there is an abscess or a cyst. The cost of root canal treatment varies because of various reasons. The prices are usually not too burdensome on the budget of patients.


Frequently Asked Questions About Root Canal Treatment

Check our Frequently Asked Questions


Are there alternatives to root canal treatment?

The main alternative to root canal treatment Turkey is extraction (removal) of the tooth. However, it’s generally recommended to save your natural tooth whenever possible because it’s often the best option for long-term oral health.


Is root canal treatment painful?

Modern techniques and anesthesia make root canal treatment relatively comfortable. You may experience some discomfort or sensitivity after the procedure, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain medications.


How successful is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is highly successful, with a success rate of over 95%. Following your dentist’s instructions for post-treatment care and maintaining good oral hygiene are crucial for long-term success.


Can I drive home after a root canal?

In most cases, you should be able to drive yourself home after a root canal. However, if you receive sedation during the procedure, you may need to arrange for someone to drive you.


Why might I need a root canal?

Root canals are typically needed when the pulp inside your tooth becomes infected or inflamed due to deep decay, repeated dental procedures on the tooth, a crack or chip in the tooth, or trauma.

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