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Featured Treatments

Dent Helen Clinic

Helen Clinic, with 17 years of unparalleled experience and expertise, combines the latest technology with expertise to provide comprehensive and high-quality oral and dental health services to its patients. As a clinic specializing in a wide range of dental specialties, we take pride in offering customized treatments for each patient.

Our experienced team specializes in various fields such as Onlay-Inlay porcelain, orthodontics, periodontology, root canal treatment, teeth whitening, non-prep laminate, laminate veneer, and implant therapy, coming together to provide effective and comfortable treatments to our patients using the latest innovative techniques.

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Expert Dental Treatments Dent Helen Clinic 2025
Dent Helen Professional Clinic in Antalya 2025

FAQs About Dental Treatments in Antalya

What treatment services are offered at Helen Dental Clinic in Antalya?

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How is implant treatment performed at Helen Dental Clinic and how long does it take?

Implant treatment involves placing titanium screws to replace missing teeth. It usually takes 3-6 months for the implants to integrate with the bone, after which prosthetic teeth are placed. The duration of the treatment can vary depending on the individual.

Does Helen Dental Clinic offer pediatric dentistry services?

Yes, our clinic in Antalya offers pediatric dentistry services. We have specialized pediatric dentists who are trained to maintain and treat children's dental health.

Is emergency dental treatment available at Helen Dental Clinic in Antalya?

Yes, our clinic provides emergency dental treatment services. We offer prompt and effective treatment for emergencies such as toothache, broken teeth, and dental abscesses.

How is the initial examination conducted at Helen Dental Clinic in Antalya and what is the cost?

During the initial examination, the patient's oral and dental health is thoroughly examined. Information about the necessary treatment plan is provided. For more information on initial examination fees and promotions, please contact our clinic.

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If you're looking for the best dental clinic in Antalya, you've come to the right place.
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